Sunday, August 25, 2013

Its that time of year again. 

Schools back.

Classes start. 

No time to blog. 

So, for anyone that follows my blog, SORRY! 

Love you all, 


Thursday, August 15, 2013


You know that feeling that you want to go to the gym but you cant because your too young? I know the feeling, I'm 12 and I WANNA WORK OUT! Some, or most of you may be like "Well, she's only 12, she shouldn't work out!" But I highly disagree.

These days, most kids don't "play with the other kids" and they don't exercise most of the time out of school since its a requirement. You wanna know what that causes? It makes them have the mindset of 'I don't need to do this, its stupid' or something along the lines of that. That's the way I used to think about it.

We make excuses for not working out. For example

  • "I don't have time"- In translation your saying "I am too lazy to do it" Or, you aren't dedicated enough. 
  • "I cant work out, I don't have any machines"- In other words "I don't want to do push ups, jumping jacks, etc, its too much work" Well, if you want your dream body to become reality YOU NEED TO WORK OUT! 
  • "I can't go to a gym" - Translation "I don't want to go to the gym" or "I feel lazy today, I'll just eat some chips" Um... NO!  But sometimes, your too young to join a gym right? I have been looking for gyms in my area and I can't find any gyms that allow kids to work out there. 
 I am going to show you the gyms that I have went to to see or looked up.

Lady Of America Yes Lady of America seems like a good place to go to, but the one I went to to check out apparently was not so good. You need to be at least 14 years of age to join, and its about $30 a month. Sure they have machines and things like that but the lady me and my mother saw, She didn't know what she was saying, using a lot of "um" and "Hold on let me check" to see about the program. Sorry Ladies of America, Strike 1- Age requirement. Strike 2- CRAZY PRICING! Strike 3- The staff not knowing what she was talking about. I know for some of you you wont mind those three things, and I'll admit, I am very picky about where I would want to go workout.

24hour Fitness There are some pros and cons to this gym. I'll tell you guys the Pros first.
  • Pro: You must be at least 12 to join the gym (YAY FOR ME!)
  • Pro: Open almost 24 hours a day, You can work out!
  • Pro: They have personal trainers
Now for the dreaded Cons:
  • Not 24 hours a day (The name tricked me!)
  • $20-$50 for membership
So for this gym, there is more pro's than con's so I like this gym, Its pricey so its unfortunately out of my price range :(

Well those are the only two gyms that I am going to put up on here, I haven't learned too much about the other gyms.

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

If you do one thing today...

Let it be reading this article and sharing.

This is simply... HORRIFYING. 

I know this is from 2012 but, Things like this happen out there. So, so many with so many innocent animals. Its simply heartbreaking.

Please, Please share this with your friend, family, anyone. Just to raise awareness to them. 

Thank you for being Heroes to all the animals out there. 


Snack Time!: Apples and Almond butter

I always have a snack between meals. If you don't understand why, I will tell you right now. Do you have just three little meals a day? Aren't you still hungry? Well, that's not really healthy. Sure, its lowering the calorie rate, but you are making your body lack nutrients that it needs. Can it affect you in the long run? Probably. I usually eat about every three hours, here are a few reasons why.

  • It boosts your metabolism.
  • Your not hungry all day.
  •  You get more nutrients (Depending on what you eat) and it can help you prevent future health problems.   

So, Now that we've gone over that, lets get to the snack!


  • Any apples that you like eating
  • Berryhill All natural almond butter
  • A butter knife
  • Another knife to cut the apple (or an apple slicer)


  1. Get your apple, wash it and then dry it
  2. Use the other knife or an apple slicer and cut the apple into 6 parts.
  3. Get out your butter knife and get some of the Almond butter, putting it on the apple slices one by one until your done with the amount you want to put
  4. Enjoy! 

Nutritional value

  • 280 Calories
  • 28 Carbs
  • 16g of Fat
  • 0g of Sodium 
  • 15g of Sugar
Not a bad snack right? Bon Appeititte!